Some Things That
Militate Against A Date Prior To 50 A.D.
For The Writing Of Galatians
By James Turner
- The primary purpose of Galatians was to show the
brethren in those churches that the Judaizers who were teaching that the
Gentile Christians needed to be circumcised and keep requirements of the
law were false teachers (Gal. 1:6-0, 3:13,
5:1-4, 6:12-13).
- The above problem first came up in the first Gentile
church at Antioch of Syria (Gal. 2:1-10).
- Acts 15:1-35 and
Galatians 2:1-10 are parallel accounts
about the problem over circumcision.
- The date of the Jerusalem Conference is usually given
as 50 A.D. It was held between the first and second journeys of Paul (Acts
13:1-4, 14:26-28,
- The problem did not reach the churches of Galatia
until several years after the Jerusalem Conference. Therefore there would
have been no need for Galatians prior to 50 A.D.
- Paul revisited the churches of Galatia
on his second (Acts 16:1-6) and third
journeys and there is no indication that those churches were having
trouble over circumcision at the time of those visits. Acts 18:22 is
the end of the second journey and 18:23
is the beginning of the third journey.
- The churches of Galatia
were the churches established by Paul and Barnabas as recorded in the
thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of Acts. They were Antioch
of Pisidia (Acts 13:13-16,
Iconium (Acts 14:1-7), Lystra
(Acts 14:8-19) and Derbe 14:20-27.
Acts 14:26
is the end of the first journey.